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Ryedale Natural History Society: Mosses and Liverworts

See below for P.C. Bowes’ lists of species.

moss on walltop
Moss growing on a limestone wall in January

Woodland mosses, some with spores
Woodland moss
Moss growing in a wood, February
Woodland moss
Moss growing in a wood, February
Woodland moss
Moss growing in a wood, February

Records of Mosses and Liverworts

by P.C. Bowes

Objectives. Records were made in pursuit of an interest in the mosses and liverworts of the writers locality. The recording was not meant to be systematic.

Area covered. Recording was restricted for personal convenience, to the four 10km squares SE 78 79 88 89 (all in VC62) all centred on, and to the north of Pickering; the majority being in SE 89. The area includes moorland, semi-natural woodland, forest plantations with many wet sites of streams, seepages and bogs.

Sites. Sites were chosen while mainly walking in the area. Those which proved to be sufficiently interesting were visited several times and studied in detail.

Records. Records are entered primarily in a card index under species names. The cards carry lists of the sites, named, where species were found together with six-figure grid references, altitudes, dates and brief habitat descriptions and lists of associated species where this was of interest. Standard Botanical Tetrad references are also given. The index is not quite up to date.

Short reports have been prepared on sites which have been studied in detail. These include notes on geology and other features of the sites and more detail on habitats and associations. Copies of reports have been given to owners of the sites - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and the Pickering Office of Forest Enterprise.

Records have also been entered on standard Bryophyte Recording Cards RP 22, August 1992, and sent to the British Bryophyte Society’s (BBS) recorder for VC62 - formerly Mr T L Blockeel and currently Mr J M Blackburn. 23 cards covering 12 sites have been sent.

Packeted voucher specimens, with written details, are held by the writer. Two, for new records, are lodged with the BBS herbarium

Where difficulties in naming were encountered, specimens were sent to the BBS Recorders/Referees for confirmation or correction.

Nomenclature. This follows the Bryophyte Floras of A J E Smith and the 1981 BBS Census Catalogue by M.F.V. Corley and M.O. Hill.

An appreciable number on nomenclatural revisions have been made since 1981 and are to be found in the new, 1998, Census Catalogue prepared by T.L. Blockeel and D.G. Long.

For the purpose of the following list of species, the needed corrections have not been made.


List of Species

The list comprises species recorded by the writer and a few made by others – mainly at Fen Bog.** The liverwort (right) was growing at the edge of a ditch in woodland.


Aneura pinguis Marchantia polymorpha
Barbilophozia atlantica Metzgeria fruticulosa
B. attenuata** M. furcata
B. floerkei Mylia anomola**
Calypogeia arguta Nardia geoscyphus
C. fissia N. scalaris
C. integristipula/neesiana Nowellia curvifolia
C. muelleriana Odontoschisma sphagni
Cephalozia bicuspidata Pellia endiviifolia
Ssp. Bicuspidata P. epiphylla
Ssp. Lammersiana P. neesiana
C. connivens Plagiochila asplenoides
C. lunulifolia P. britannica
C. macrostachya P. porelloides
Var. macrostachya Radula complanata
Chiloscyphus polyanthos Riccardia chamedryfolia**
Cladopodiella fluitans R. multifida**
Conocephalum conicum Scapania umbrosa
Diplophyllum albicans S. undulata
Gymnocolea inflata Trichocolea tomentella**
Jungermannia atrovirens Lunularia cruciata
J. gracillima J. pumila**
Kurzia pauciflora Lophocolea bidentata
Lophozia ventricosa L. heterophylla


Aloina aloides Isopterygium elegans
Amblystegium riparium Isothecium myosuroides
A. serpens Leptodontium flexifolium
Anomodom viticulosus** Leucobryum glaucum
Atrichum undulatum Mnium hornum
Aulacomnium palustre Neckera complanata
Barbula cylandrica** Oligotrichum hercynicum
B. fallax Orthodontium lineare
B. unguiculata Orthotrichum affine
Brachythecium albicans** O. anomalum
B. rivulare O. diaphanum
Breutelia chrysocoma Oxystegus sinuosus
Bryum argenteum Philonotis calcarea**
B. capillare P.fontinalis
B. flaccidum Plagiomnium undulatum
B. pallens Plagiothecium curvifolium
Bryum pseudotriquetrum P. laetum
Var. pseudotriquetrum Plagiothecium nemorale
Calliergon cordifolium** P. succulentum
C. cuspidatum P. undulatum
Campylium stellatum Pleurozium schreberi
Var. stellatum Pogonatum aloides
Var. protensum Pohlia carnea
Campylopus introflexus P. drummondii
C. paradoxus** P. nutans
C. pyriformis P. wahlenbergii
Ceratodon purpureus Polytrichum commune
Cirriphyllum piliferum var. commune
Climacium dendroides** var. pergoniale
Cratoneuron commutatum P. formosum
Var. commutatum P. juniperum
Var. falcatum P. piliferum
C. filicinium Rhizomnium punctatum
Ctenidium molluscum Pseudoscleropodium purum
Dichodontium pellucidem Racomitrium aciculare
Dicranella heteromalla R. lanuginosum**
D. palustris** Rhizomnium punctatum
D. rufescens Rhytidiadelphus loreus
D. varia R. squarrosus
Dicranoweisia cirrata** R. triquetrus
Dicranum majus Schistidium apocarpum
D. scoparium Scorpidium scorpioides
D. tauricum Sphagnum auriculatum
Drepanocladus exannulatus var. inundatum
D. revolvens** S. capillifolium
Eucladium verticillatum S. compactum
Eurhynchium praelongium S. cuspidatum
Var. praelongium S. fimbriatum
Var. stokesii S. magellanicum
E. striatum S. palustre
E. swartzii** S. papillosum
Fissidens adianthoides S. panillosum
F. bryoides S. quinquefarium
F. taxifolius S. recurvum var. mucronatum
Fontinalis antipyretica** S. russowii
Funaria hygrometrica S. squarrosum
Gymnostomum aeruginosum** S.subnitens
Homalothecium lutescens S. tenellum
H. sericium S. teres**
Hookeria lucens** Splachnum ampullaceum**
Hylocomium splendens Tetraphis pellucida
Hyocomium armoricum Tetrodontium brownianum
Hypnum cupressiforme Thamnobryum alopecurum
Var. cupressiforme Thuidium tamariscinum
Var. lacunosum Tortella tortuosa**
Var. resupinatum** Tortula muralis
H. jutlandicum Trichostomum crispulum**
H. mammillatum Zygodon viridissimus
Brachydontium trichodes

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©Copyright Ryedale Natural History Society 1999-2000
Last modified 24 February 2000